Do Whatcha Wanna

Do Whatcha Wanna Experimental Rye Ale aged in Two James rye whiskey barrels inspired by the quintessential New Orleans cocktail, the Sazerac.

Do Whatcha Wanna is an Experimental Rye Ale aged in Two James rye whiskey barrels inspired by the quintessential New Orleans cocktail, the Sazerac. Nearly mahogany in color, this beer has a prominent tan head that carries aromas of citrus, whiskey, wood, caramel, rye, and a boozy sweetness. Leading with light citrus flavors this medium bodied beer quickly transforms with spicy rye and whiskey notes, toffee and caramel sweetness, and just a hint of anise. Do Whatcha Wanna finishes smooth with some warming from the alcohol.

  • ABV: 13.6%
  • IBU: 25
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Origin Story

"Do Whatcha Wanna" is a song by The Rebirth Brass Band from New Orleans, I thought "Do Whatcha Wanna" was a fitting name for this Sazerac inspired beer. Pretty Much saying. On Mardi Gras week in New Orleans, Do Whatcha Wanna.... Often this band will have impromptu "Second Line" parades through the city where they just start a parade, playing new orleans horn music, and people will just randomly join in and dance behind them.



Nutritional Information

  • Calories: 360

Name Origin
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