Do aliens exist? What Mustache wax does Joe love?
The answers are ‘yes’ and ‘Beard Brand,’ but if you find yourself with a burning question, there’s a good chance someone else has asked it. So we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions for your perusal. Not finding your answer? Reach out to us thru our contact page.
Since opening in 2004, Short’s has supported many worthwhile causes and events. We are lucky to be a part of a wonderful community and it gives us great pleasure to be able to give back. These are the guidelines Short’s Brewing Company refers to when considering sponsorship/donation requests from non-account entities.
HOW TO MAKE A REQUESTAll requests must be submitted thru our contact form for review. Due to the volume we receive we are unable to accept them at the Pub/Pull Barn or over the phone. We ask that before submitting a request you read through the following information and guidelines.
GENERAL RULES FOR SPONSORSHIPS & DONATIONS – There are so many worthwhile causes and events across the country, but we choose to focus our efforts in the state of Michigan. Requests outside of Michigan will not be reviewed. – Sponsorship and donations will be allocated with priority to organizations and events based locally in Northern Michigan and those that share Short’s Brewing’s core values. Other important considerations include amount requested, targeted audience, and remaining monthly funds. – We decline involvement in anything related to schools and other educational institutions that work directly with young children. It’s not that we don’t believe in supporting our area schools, but we find it inappropriate to do so as an alcoholic beverage producer. – State law prohibits us from donating beer to any events. Our hands are tied on this one. – Due to the time and effort required to consider and process each request with care, we need at least 10 days’ notice. Any request that does not give us 10 days will be automatically declined. – Any requests from Short’s accounts will be deferred by the Customer Service Department to the Beer Liberation Department. SPONSORSHIPSponsorships are defined here as direct monetary gifts from Short’s Brewing Company to an external organization or event. As much as we would love to be a part of each and every sponsorship opportunity, we wouldn’t be able to make any beer if we gave everything away. Consequently, it is impossible for us to support each and every cause, no matter how worthy. New sponsorship requests are being reviewed at this time. Organizations and events may request Short’s sponsorship and shall be either approved or rejected based on the criteria laid out within this policy.
Donations are defined here as non-monetary gifts from Short’s Brewing Company to an external organization or event. Again, beer cannot be donated to any event, it would be illegal for us to do so. New donation requests are being reviewed at this time. Organizations and events may request Short’s donations and shall be either approved or rejected based on the criteria laid out within this policy.