Like it or not, the early signs of fall are beginning to show. Packs of number two pencils and loose leaf paper fill the seasonal displays at all the big box stores, the shift from summer to fall harvest is mere weeks away, and your favorite fall brews are beginning to pop up. Whether you’re grabbing wide ruled or college ruled paper, sending your kids off to school, or getting ready for your next college semester; both call for a celebratory toast to crisper weather and a fresh start.
Autumn Ale (5.9 % ABV – 45 IBU) is an English-style Extra Special Bitter (ESB). It has a medium body, amber colour, and full flavor. This beer exhibits a wonderful balance of malty sweetness and earthy, herbal hop bitterness. Autumn Ale won a silver medal at the 2006 Great American Beer Festival.
We’re giving you a break and making finding this fall favorite as easy as an open-book test. Whether you live in Short’s home state of Michigan, or reside elsewhere in our distribution footprint (we’re looking at you Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania), Autumn Ale will be lining store shelves and flowing from taps in your neck of the woods beginning this week. Fall never tasted so good!