You all know the story of Space Rock, right? The time that Joe Short went into outer space searching for tasty little nuggets of alien technology on a rocket powered vintage Skee Horse*. What he found led to the delicious concoction, Space Rock, that graces the SBC Flagship lineup. While there are nuggets of alien technology in Space Rock, the amount found in this next specialty release is dare we say downright hellacious.
Hellacious Rock (8.9% ABV – 70 IBU) is an American Double India Pale Ale with bold floral hop aromas of citrus peel and pine. A sizable malt sweetness allows for a balanced presentation of abundant hop flavors, most notably those of sharp grapefruit and fruity berries. The finish is mostly clean with a perfect resiny bitterness, that lingers, but doesn’t overwhelm the palate.
Look for Hellacious Rock to begin hitting Michigan store shelves this week, and pick up a six pack to experience a beer out of this world.
*Note: Joe Short has not actually traveled to outer space… yet.