Melt My Brain has a new look for 2018! You may recognize this new face, as it’s our Indiana Liberator, Kerry Cochran, and you may be wondering how her face ended up on these cans. Well, it’s a pretty cool story with an even cooler ending for you so keep reading on.
Kerry is a super creative and active social media user on our team, and last year both she (and other Short’s fans) took selfies with their Melt My Brain cans and bottles. Not just any selfies though, their selfies were right after a sip of this mind bending brew where you can witness the actual brain melting effects. Needless to say, we loved it! So this year we decided to feature Kerry’s face on our packaging, but next year it could be yours!
From the release until September 1st, we’re going to compile all of your shared photos on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter using the #MeltMyBrain and choose our favorite to be featured on the 2019 packaging!
Melt My Brain is an experimental Golden Ale brewed with coriander, juniper berries, limes and blended with Short’s made tonic water to create the tasting experience of drinking a gin and tonic cocktail. Delicate aromas of citrus and pine flow into bold bright flavors of sweet lime with a slightly sticky bitterness. Refreshing and clean, a tasty tonic effervescence provokes the palate for more.
Hitting the pub and Short’s Mart on Friday, May 4th, and Great Lakes Region store shelves in mid May, we encourage you to pick up a six pack or 12 pack and show us your best brain-melting expression.