As you may already know, we’re a pretty big fan of cherries ‘round these parts. This fleshy drupe is pretty damn tasty, so tasty that we here in Northern Michigan have embraced it as our fruity mascot.
Northern Michigan is home to cherry ice creams (Cherries Moobilee might be our favorite), cherry pies, The National Cherry Festival, and even Cherry Republic. We here at SBC pay homage to these delicious, red, sweet and tart orbs in beers like Black Cherry Porter, Starcut Ciders Squishy (hitting store shelves this week!), and a new brew we’re here to tell you about today: Michigantuan.
Michigantuan (8.8% ABV – 80 IBU) is a Double India Pale Ale brewed with Michigan grown hops and barley, along with cherry concentrate from King Orchards. This beer has an intriguing burgundy color with an abundance of dark fruit and green hop aromatics. Bold flavors of tart fruit, citrus rind and floral hops transition to a sizable bitterness that lingers well into the finish, drying the palate.
Like the name implies, Michigantuan is an homage to our home state, the mitten. Brewed with Michigan hops, malt, and cherries, this beer is sure to give you all the flavor and all the feels. Available on tap and in bottles ONLY in Michigan, this beer is a real, rare treat.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. We know there are two kinds of people out there; people who love cherries…and people who are unequivocally wrong. No matter what category you fall into, this brew is a must try. There are cherries in Michigantuan and we like it like that!