A few weeks ago, we received an email from a unit of soldiers serving our country in Iraq. They could not reveal their names to us due to operations security restrictions, but they are members of the 501st OD BN (EOD) New York Army National Guard. They told us that they miss being able to enjoy a cold beer while serving overseas in “dusty Iraq.” It certainly hit home with us that, aside from being away from their loved ones, these gentleman are also foregoing the simple everyday pleasures (like a cold beer) that many of us take for granted. While we wish we could send them a big keg of beer (we can’t), we did send them some Short’s t-shirts. In return, we got this picture of them modeling them! We checked with them and made sure it would be ok to put their picture on our website and, since we got permission, here it is:
Guys, if you are reading this, we love the Short’s t-shirt/camo combination! Lookin’ good! We salute you and all who have served our country. We look forward to your safe return and hope to see you at Short’s in the near future!