Abnormal Genius
High Gravity Golden Ale Fermented with Sunflower Seeds and Earthwork Honey Succulent magic delivered from natures's most phenomenal sweetner
Abnormal Genius is an Imperial English Style Golden Ale brewed with honey and sunflower seeds. A distinct aroma of peanut butter emits from this deep golden-colored ale, undoubtedly the result of the unique combination of ingredients used. Honey flavors are predominant with a balanced finish that is not overly sweet, bitter or dry.
Imperial English Style Golden Ale
- ABV: 8.3%
- IBU: 53
- ABW: 0%
Origin Story
Appropriately named after our very own fearless leader, Joe Short. By now, pretty much everyone that works at Short's, especially the pub staff, has had the opportunity to work closely with Joe and see why Short's is such a unique innovative company. Never one to opt out to do things the easy way or even the standard way, Joe has always approached Short's with a vision and work ethic unrivaled by anyone else I have ever met in my life. It's this drive and tenacious spirit that makes this nickname so appropriate for him. Possibly the best thing about revisiting one of the beers from the Imperial series is having the opportunity to share with you all the origin and inspiration for each one in Joe's own words. Below is Joe's bio for Abnormal Genius found on each individual hang tag that accompanied every bottle sold. "First came the name: I suppose the name of this beer deserves an explanation. I believe it was some time ago while working the in the trenches of the brew house for hours upon hours and days upon days for weeks and weeks in the cold late year of 2006. Often throughout those lengths of time and long nights slaving in the brewery, I am left alone for too long with my thoughts. I dream and imagine anything and everything possible about what I want to do with Short’s Brewing Company. I have to admit that a lot of my thoughts and fascinations are just not normal. Not normal at all. Although my thoughts and imagination may not be normal, often times they are quite clever. I tried to explain my thought process to my good friend Rich Ceuninck. I often vent to Rich about my struggles in the brewery and business in general. I think that particular night I was describing my ideal position in the company, or where I wanted to be once I was able to afford other brewery workers, financial people etc. I declared myself the creativity thinker. The person who was responsible for coming up with all the components that make Short’s so different and interesting, “the abnormal genius” I think I said. He laughed heartily for quite some time about that statement. So it stuck with me. Where I should use the abnormal genius came later into the development of the imperial beer series. Then came the beer: I am a firm believer that the phenomenon of fermentation has been a part of human evolution and has nurtured our development as a species on the planet earth. I can only assume the forms and ingredients of fermentation and its practices have varied throughout time with each and every culture. Honey is one of the most ancient fermentables which has countless benefits for health and healing. Honey will never spoil. Its nutraceutical affects on the human body are invaluable. Honey was so precious during the Roman Empire it has been said to be used as tax payment instead of gold. Our honey was obtained locally from Mr. Bob Bernard and home of Earthwork Music. Sunflower seeds to me seemed to be the perfect fit for honey, and I always wanted to try them in a beer. Sunflower seeds are an ancient crop rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. The combination of honey and sunflower seeds adds a rich nutritive component to the beer. I believe honey and the sunflower seed to have unexplainable powers that enhance the performance of the body and mind. It was only appropriate to name this beer the abnormal genius."Name Origin
Named after JoeAvailable In
- Cans
- 1/2 Keg
- 1/4 Keg
- 1/6 Keg
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