Giggle Bush

Giggle Bush is a wet-hopped pale ale made exclusively with Michigan Copper hops from Great Lakes Hops and Die Hoppy Farms. It pours a deep copper color and has fruity, almost Belgian-like yeast aromas. This new hop variety gives fruity slightly-sweet bubblegummy notes on the midpalate and has a clean, bitter finish reminiscent of peppercorn. A light body allows for a moderate bitterness in the finish, that lingers as the palate drys, leaving a mild resiny hoppiness.

  • ABV: 5.9%
  • IBU: 60
Home | Beers | Giggle Bush

Origin Story

The Michigan Copper hops are from a small farm in Zeeland called Die Hoppy Farm. They were originally propped up by Great Lakes Hops and they could give you a detailed history and description of the hop.


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