After nearly 6 months of intense planning, we’re making a number of infrastructure upgrades inside our Elk Rapids production brewery. The highlight of the project will be on Saturday when we drop sixteen brand new 90-barrel conditioning tanks/fermenters through a hatch in our roof. We’re also adding a new mill and grain handling system, a new packaging area floor, and other improvements throughout our entire facility. Once completed, the $2 million project will nearly double our capacity from 16,000 barrels to around 30,000 barrels. We’ve been hard at work planning for the expansion and will be able to release our brews according to schedule, without disruption.To see our first tank delivery and watch us pull decommissioned tanks through the roof, watch our timelapse video below! We’ve also posted new photos to our Flickr page, here.
Phase 1 from Short’s Vimeo on Vimeo.