
Hot Takes from the Shorts'iverse

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Summertime Pubtending

On this week’s episode of Short’s Cast Jon “The Woj” Wojtowicz and Tyler Glaze sit down with a group of veteran pubtenders to talk about summer and the influx of…

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Getting Real at the Pub with Real Ale

We’re doing something new at the pub these days, something REAL tasty and REAL cool that we REALly want you to know about. It’s time to make your way to…

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Talking Pizza at the Pub

People love the pub. They love the beer, they love the atmosphere, and they absolutely love the pizza! Short’s is currently in the midst of a pizza revolution of sorts. On…

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Happy 2016! Here’s A History Of The Pub

We’re taking a trip back to episode 4 to re-release one of the core stories that kicked off Short’s Cast. It’s the story of Joe and Leah Short and it’s…

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Unwrapping Crowlers at the Pub

A couple of months ago, Joe Short sat down to craft his yearly letter to the big man in the North Pole. After consulting with various departments here at Short’s…

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Change is Hard . . . The Short’s Pub Expansion

It wasn’t easy, but the Short’s pub expansion in Bellaire has been completed. Bridgett and Woj sit down with CEO Joe Short, Project Manager Chris Clore, and Head Chef Luke Meredith…

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