The second installment of Short’s hand bottled, Pub-only, Private Stache series is creeping up on us. Our first Private Stache release brought you two distinct brews, Alicornucopia and Pinball Whispers. This time we’ve got one beer sneaking out of our stache, The Creepster which will be released at Short’s Eleven Year Anniversary Extravaganza on April 25th, 2014.
Strange elements have combined forces to shape the character of this brew – an Imperial Gose with apricot orange, lemongrass, pink himalayan sea salt, and coriander. The style may be questionable, but the FLAVA is incomparable – tantalizing, complex, and almost indescribable.
You can pick up a bottle of this unusual offering at Short’s Eleven Year Anniversary Extravaganza for $19.00. Limit, 4 bottles per person.
To learn more about Short’s Private Stache series, check out our blog The News Behind the Stache, Private Stache or listen to The Science of Sour Beers and the Private Stache Series on Short’s Cast.
So you want a bottle of The Creepster but you haven’t purchase tickets to Short’s Eleven Year Anniversary Extravaganza? Lucky you, tickets are still available for purchase by visiting our website.
Be sure to purchase your bottle on April 25th, this brew is itching to go home with you!